Friday, November 16, 2012

Literary Reflection: The Ending of 1984

         The ending of 1984 was not a happy ending and Winston ended up with the short end of a unfair bargain. Winston was so broken down that he betrayed Julia and was brainwashed into believing what he hated. In the beginning of the book, it was clear that Winston wasn't a fan of the political, with the creepy "Big Brother Is Watching You" posters plastered everywhere. He didn't agree with most things that the party was for. This made him a target for the thought police. Winston and Julia ended up getting caught and when they were caught they promised each other to never let each other go. They ended up betraying each other because their biggest fears were used. Winston was brainwashed into believing things that aren't right such as 2+2=5. We all know it equals six but Winston was taught that the answer was 5. At the end of the book, Winston realizes he loves Big Brother and Big Brother only, and it brings him to tears. He's lost Julia because they are both to far gone, and now he believes in everything he was against. Winston was simply overwhelmed and just simply gave up. I'd call it a very severe case of peer pressure. Giving into something that a person doesn't want is very common, especially in this society.
        As Winston was daydreaming, he suddenly remembered something of when he was younger: him playing with his mom. This was the final moment, would he hold onto his real thoughts or give in to Big Brother? It's revealed that he gave in because when he says Big Brother on the telescreen he knows he loves him and only him. No more love for anyone else. Him and Julia parted ways and he has nothing left. The theme of giving into something you don't want to do is very common in today's society. Many women want to look beautiful because of the media's take on beauty. Some models often say they won't change when it comes to weight and looks, but eventually the media will break them down to the point that they develop disorders or get cosmetic surgery or other dangerous things. It all becomes one society of brainwashed "beautiful" people. Sometimes giving in to things is a very bad thing, ask Winston. 

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