Wednesday, November 14, 2012

1984 Literary Analysis: Heroes

 “In the face of pain, there are no heroes.” That is quote that Winston kept saying as he was writhing on the floor in pain. This quote means that when pain happens, more physical but mental all the same, there is no one to help you as a hero would, you only have yourself. A hero is known for having noble qualities and having the right intentions to help somebody whenever needed. A true hero would not let anything, not even their fear, getting in the way what is right to do. Julia and Winston are certainly not heroes.
             This quote is definitely relatable to Winston and Julia. Once their greatest fear was used against them, they betrayed each other. They weren’t real heroes. They were heroes during most of the torture because they didn’t give up anything about themselves, they still loved each other. They had promised each other the party would not break them, but once their fears were at their faces, they gave up. They didn’t want to get hurt themselves, so they wished pain upon each other. 
             In today’s society there are many different heroes. Anybody can be a hero. Parents are heroes to their kids, because a parent would do anything for their child. A relative or donor could save somebody sick in need and be their hero. Police, firefighters, doctors, etc., they are all heroes. They save many people’s lives every day. My parents are my heroes. They show me anything is possible if you really try hard at it all while maintaining a healthy marriage and raising my brother and I the right way. I know they would do anything for me. 
            A real hero would never give up, and that’s why Winston and Julia are not heroes. Once what they were truly scared of was out in their faces, they were discouraged and betrayed each other. They both realized they only had themselves. That’s why “in the face of pain, there are no heroes”.     

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