Friday, November 16, 2012

Ignorance is Strength

      In 1984, Winston is given this book The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism written by Emmanuel Goldstein. In the book it explains the real purpose of the party and the three countries (Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia) that are against each other or allied with each other. “Ignorance is Strength” was one of the chapters in the book, and probably the post important one. Ignorance means having the lacking information, so that quotes means not knowing anything means strength (mostly for the government/party). In the book, people are classified in three social classes: Inner party (higher class), Outer party (middle class) and Proles (lower class). This is very similar to our society. In 1984, to be in the Inner Party meant to be born into a wealthy family. The Inner Party don't really have to work for what they have like the outer party and proles have to.
       “Ignorance is strength” means that having the lack of knowledge suits the rich people better. They know nothing, so they just go along with whatever helps them get better things. The middle and lower class do have to work for what the higher class has, and by working for it they gain knowledge of things, how the government and society really work. In our society ( in the novel also) knowledge isn’t power, how much money earned is.

1984: Themes

      I think that the major theme in 1984 was irony. Irony was used many times. The fact that the party is supposed to be the top government and the citizens are supposed to love the party is ironic for Winston. He doesn't love the party, he loves a woman. His attraction to her is the irony. The fact that they got caught in the end is ironic. It was thought that things might've worked out between them, they wouldn't get caught any they'd continue secretly rebelling. But it wasn't like that. O'Brien ended up being the one that betrayed them both, which is ironic because O'Brien was supposedly a part of a brotherhood that goes against the Party. 

idk and stuff

As a child, i wasn't really shown much love. My parents were the "tough love" kind of parents. My dad more than my mom and it definitely made me who I am today. As a kid i witnessed my parents fight many times, and it was hard on me, being so young and seeing two grown people yelling at each other like that. I'm pretty sure many teenagers know what it's like. The empty feeling when the couple that brought you into this life could be like that. When those fights were about me, what i did, how I had an attitude, i would often wish I wasn't born. Those are little kid thoughts, but it really changed the way I look at life. I think back and think how stupid I was to think that. There's kids everywhere that would love the chance to live like me, a middle class citizen with a house to live in and food to eat. I love my parents, but I find myself blaming them for making me think that when people say they love me and care about me, they don't mean it. I just find it hard to believe that caring for another person is actually worth it when it just leads to fights. I'm not complaining, i'm just venting. I tend to over think things. Like how small we (humans) are compared to the universe. We are just a speck of dust in the whole Universe that can be wiped out at any second. All these leaders fighting and wars in countries are for nothing. One group of people fighting for something so insignificant. That's why i just don't see the point in anything, especially with things like love and stuff. It's necessary for family and friends I guess, but not with anyone else. Raised the way I was, with strict, old-school mexican parents, made me hate the thought of other people caring for me. I'm fine without it. I'd rather work at whichever job i want (deciding between marine biologist or going into criminology) and be independent. Every person is different.

Literary Reflection: The Ending of 1984

         The ending of 1984 was not a happy ending and Winston ended up with the short end of a unfair bargain. Winston was so broken down that he betrayed Julia and was brainwashed into believing what he hated. In the beginning of the book, it was clear that Winston wasn't a fan of the political, with the creepy "Big Brother Is Watching You" posters plastered everywhere. He didn't agree with most things that the party was for. This made him a target for the thought police. Winston and Julia ended up getting caught and when they were caught they promised each other to never let each other go. They ended up betraying each other because their biggest fears were used. Winston was brainwashed into believing things that aren't right such as 2+2=5. We all know it equals six but Winston was taught that the answer was 5. At the end of the book, Winston realizes he loves Big Brother and Big Brother only, and it brings him to tears. He's lost Julia because they are both to far gone, and now he believes in everything he was against. Winston was simply overwhelmed and just simply gave up. I'd call it a very severe case of peer pressure. Giving into something that a person doesn't want is very common, especially in this society.
        As Winston was daydreaming, he suddenly remembered something of when he was younger: him playing with his mom. This was the final moment, would he hold onto his real thoughts or give in to Big Brother? It's revealed that he gave in because when he says Big Brother on the telescreen he knows he loves him and only him. No more love for anyone else. Him and Julia parted ways and he has nothing left. The theme of giving into something you don't want to do is very common in today's society. Many women want to look beautiful because of the media's take on beauty. Some models often say they won't change when it comes to weight and looks, but eventually the media will break them down to the point that they develop disorders or get cosmetic surgery or other dangerous things. It all becomes one society of brainwashed "beautiful" people. Sometimes giving in to things is a very bad thing, ask Winston. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

more music

my favorite music video! this is what i imagine the future to be like. it's kind of like 1984. the little kids kidnapping adults to turn them into little kids? not that, but the rebellion that these kids portray. In the beginning of this video, there's pictures and clips of what looked like a war (which reminded me of Oceania) and how empty everything was at the end. Mark Foster, the adult kidnapped, is Winston. Mark was tortured and beat for being an adult, just like Winston was beat because he thought differently. In the end, both of them turn into what their enemy was. After they turned into what they didnt like, they joined the "enemy" group. I dunno maybe i'm just over thinking this. Foster the People is one of my favorite bands and i needed an excuse to put them on here, what's better than connecting it the best book ever 1984? nothing i tell ya.


friendship. it means a lot to me. i don't count many people as friends. that word by itself is putting trust into someone, something i've never really been comfortable with. i've had a few best friends though, whether i talk to them now or not, i love them. My close friends now are David, Citlali, Daisy, Elias, Ivan, & Jonny. These people a lot to me, and I don't plan on letting petty stuff get to us like i did with past friends. Citlali is the funniest girl I know and one of the only girls i can call a best friend. I can be myself and act like a (surprise!) complete idiot around her. I can never frown around her, she always keeps a smile on my face, except when she makes fun of my dark skin... lol. Elias & Jonny are some of the funniest guys i've ever gotten to know. Whenever i need a laugh they are the go to guys, and i know i can trust them. I met Ivan this year but he still means a whole lot to me. Last but not least, my bestest friend David. i don't have a picture up there with him because he doesn't like pictures so i feel sorry for your mom. I've never had a best friend like him. He always cheers me up and makes me feel better when i feel like crap. im glad i met him and everybody else. i love these people and i hope don't grow apart from them ever. if i do i will eat horse food for the rest of my life.


I wanted to talk about music so yeah here i am. I'm not one those people that are like, "music equals life" every time they hear their favorite mainstream artist Lady Gaga or other. I like to think i appreciate all music, except that super bubblegum kind of pop. I enjoy rap, rock, indie, classical, house, electronic, dubstep,  acoustic, etc. I'm not picky, as long as it has a good beat and relevant lyrics. I also like "mainstream" music because the songs can get pretty catchy. I just hate that the lyrics in those overused songs are so dumb and all they sing about is partying and doing sexual things. I don't want my younger brother and cousins to be listening to that garbage. I'm always listening to music. my parents get mad at me because i don't pay attention to anything at home because i'm either playing my ipod or my ihome is at high volume. To me, music is saying things that i can't. I'm not very good at expressing my emotions and listening to all these bands make me feel like i'm not the only one. Sounds cliche, but it's true. It's easy to make friends too when two people like the same band or artist. They find common ground and build a friendship from there. It's a nice thing i suppose. I picked up on piano when i was 10 and i have an electric keyboard but i haven't gotten around to messing with it because of school and the fact that I put the pro in procrastinate. I just wanted to say i truly love music and what it does to people, including myself. like the picture above says, music makes the world a better place. goodnight :3

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

1984 Literary Reflection: Fear

 In the book 1984, Winston Smith is forced to face his fear. His greatest fear, rats, are used against him to make him sell out Julia.. O’Brien is the person who makes him look at the rats and stand right in front of a cage of rats. My fear is spiders and parasites. Spiders because they little and creepy and can literally be found anywhere, even on a person’s bed. Parasites are disgusting because they can invade a person’s body without the person even knowing and can poison and kill from the inside. There are many phobias in the world, and I think Winston’s was used against him in a very harsh way but it was necessary for the Party.
      O’Brien used manipulation to make Winston scared for himself. One night while Winston was asleep, he said Julia’s name in his sleep. This showed that Winston was still emotionally the same as when he was first put in the torture chamber O’Brien wasn‘t pleased. O’Brien took Winston to Room 101, the room that held people‘s fears. In that room, there was a cage of rats, Winston’s biggest fear. O’Brien was explaining how rats can eat a person’s face off and how we wanted Winston to put his head in the cage. O’Brien went on and said that there is nothing worse than physical pain, with nobody helping you and you’re all alone. As Winston’s head was nearing the cage, the rats faces becoming more and more clear, his fear sold Julia out. He yelled out for O‘Brien to punish Julia instead. Winston rather not get his head put in a cage of those ugly rodents. Winston had finally sold out Julia, and that’s what O’Brien wanted. 
     As I said before, spiders and parasites are the possibly the worst things to exist. Spiders can crawl in and out through everywhere. Once when I was 8 I was going to take a shower and there in the middle of the tub was a big fat spider. I cried because I thought that every time I shower now there will be a spider with me. I have a mild case of arachnophobia. Parasites are also another little organism that scare me. The fact that they are germs that can go anywhere inside your body and eat your organs if they are carnivorous is really scary.  As a child I had a bad experience with them. I’ve had relatives die because of a parasite destroying them from the inside. It's a terrible thing and it makes me wonder why these things should even exist. 
       In conclusion, there are many fears that can make people do the wildest things. Any person can have the strangest fear, fear for spiders, fear of people, and fear of rats. In the novel there are thought police, so Winston’s worst fear was picked from his mind and O’Brien used it against him. Fear can push to the limit, and it depends how far someone will go to get away from that fear. 

1984 Literary Analysis: Heroes

 “In the face of pain, there are no heroes.” That is quote that Winston kept saying as he was writhing on the floor in pain. This quote means that when pain happens, more physical but mental all the same, there is no one to help you as a hero would, you only have yourself. A hero is known for having noble qualities and having the right intentions to help somebody whenever needed. A true hero would not let anything, not even their fear, getting in the way what is right to do. Julia and Winston are certainly not heroes.
             This quote is definitely relatable to Winston and Julia. Once their greatest fear was used against them, they betrayed each other. They weren’t real heroes. They were heroes during most of the torture because they didn’t give up anything about themselves, they still loved each other. They had promised each other the party would not break them, but once their fears were at their faces, they gave up. They didn’t want to get hurt themselves, so they wished pain upon each other. 
             In today’s society there are many different heroes. Anybody can be a hero. Parents are heroes to their kids, because a parent would do anything for their child. A relative or donor could save somebody sick in need and be their hero. Police, firefighters, doctors, etc., they are all heroes. They save many people’s lives every day. My parents are my heroes. They show me anything is possible if you really try hard at it all while maintaining a healthy marriage and raising my brother and I the right way. I know they would do anything for me. 
            A real hero would never give up, and that’s why Winston and Julia are not heroes. Once what they were truly scared of was out in their faces, they were discouraged and betrayed each other. They both realized they only had themselves. That’s why “in the face of pain, there are no heroes”.